Sunday 31 July 2011

Home Sweet Home? :/

Hello everyone!! A few days ago I mentioned that I was moving house, and I am currently scrounging off someone else's wifi (it's their own fault, they left it unlocked ;) haha) to write up a follow up post. Sadly no images, I don't have a camera right now D: apart from the one on my phone and macbook, which no doubt I will make use off soon!

Basically... this entire week has been completely stressful. I have had my fair share of moving, just last year I moved from England to Florida with 5ish suitcases and a dog and a cat with no help from anyone, and just over a year later, we've moved again, but this time with a lot more stuff - it's amazing what can be bought/accomplished in a year - and about 5 of my mum's work friends came to help and got us a free removal van. Well now I truly know the meaning of Southern hospitality, Florida may have its downfalls (massive "hell is real" signs on the motorway, for example? :/) but wow. We were all shocked at how nice everyone was, they all arrived at 7am on Saturday and we had gotten everything from the house loaded up into the removal van in like 2 hours, then an hour-or-so drive to the new place, and by 1pm everything was in the house.

Boxes were piled high enough to reach the sky... Furniture was (still is) strewn about the place, and basically the entire house looks crap right now. I have to commend myself on my determination to get the better room between me and my brother though! As soon as we arrived I was hot on my feet locating the bigger room and had all of my boxes/suitcases in there within about 10 minutes. Sneaky eh? ;) I'll do a room tour once it's been all decorated, which will probably be a while away but you know.

I was so exhausted after the moving of boxes and furniture up stairs a million-and-one times after everyone went home I honestly just fell asleep on my matress without a duvet or a pillow or anything. :/ Then a while later we went to 'Ruby Tuesdays' because after moving who can be arsed cooking? I used to hate that place, but my Mum loves it and I was too tired to argue... They don't have enough options for vegetarians (they have about 2) and the time before the last time I went my food was cold... Yuck. But anyway I had this really cool thing, which I'd heard of before but I didn't think it would be so nice haha! It was spaggeti squash with a tomato sauce and when I let my mum try some she didn't even believe me when I said it wasn't pasta... Deffo gonna try to make that myself sometime! Ever since being a veggie I've gained a shit ton of weight from the carbs I've been eating so squash is definitely a great alternative if you're trying to loose weight like I am. Then I destroyed the healthy main I had by eating 2 cupcakes for desert - but I did so much excersize that day it probably didn't even matter. Then slept. FINALLY!

Today I stayed at the apartment and basically organized through stuff while my Mum and brother Matt went back to the house to clean so we can get the deposit back and they're still not back, so I'm sat here, satisfied after writing this hugeeee blog post that no one will care about, taking advantage of *cough* stealing *cough* a neighbors wifi.

Have a nice day everyone :)
Love Lydia x

Wednesday 27 July 2011

50 Random Questions

Due to the fact I'm moving and everything I own that's anything to do with the theme of this blog is packed away in boxes, I thought I'd get the ball rolling on this with a youtube tag. 

Where were you 3 hours ago? Cleaning the kitchen... Zzzzzzzzzz
Who are you in love with? Robert Sheehan, Micheal C. Hall and Andy Samberg
Have you ever eaten a crayon? Everyday of my life.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes, lol a flannel? (a washcloth for ya'll yankadoodledoos :P)
When is the last time you went to the mall? Urmmm... Last Saturday ?
Are you wearing socks right now? Nope!
Does your family have a car worth over $2,000? Yeahh
When was the last time you drove out of town? Last Saturday
Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days? Nope :(
Are you hot? Nope, the fan's on
What was the last thing you had to drink? I can't even remember... water, maybe?
What are you wearing right now? Pajamas... I'm so stylish!! :O
Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it? I don't own a car to wash lol
Last food that you ate? Does panera bread count as fast food? You do get it kinda fast lol... Anyway from there I had the medetaranian veggie sandwich (yum!!!!) and the black bean soup (ewwww) you pick two dealaroo.
Where were you last week at this time? How am I supposed to remember that?
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Yeah, my mum got me this black lacy top from dillards yo
When is the last time you ran? Idk...
What's the last sporting event you watched? The superbowl lol
What is your favorite animal? White tigers are pretty sexy lol <3
Your dream vacation? GO. BACK. TO. ENGLAND. Then go to New York lol.
Last person's house you were in? My own...?
Worst injury you've ever had? When I was 5 I got my wedding ring finger trapped in a cloth headrest when I was sliding down it (pretending to be at disneyland since we were planning to go that summer...bless) and pulled part of it off. Now it's shorter than that finger on my other hand now and has a curvy nail... I'm lucky I even have a finger lol.
Have you been in love? Not yet.
Do you miss anyone right now? Gosh! everyone back home !!
Last play you saw? Erm... I think I went to the Christmas panto at the civic theater when I was maybe 13?
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? British accent for americanos :0! Otherwise, idk lol
What are your plans for tonight? Finish writing this, sleep. Wow, don't I lead an exciting life? lol
Who is the last person you sent a Facebook message or comment? Was talking to a random from my old primary school on the year 6 photo of us all... cringey!!!!
Next trip you are going to take? Idk hopefully back to England!?!?! please? :D
Ever go to camp? Nope, but I've been camping... lol?
Were you an honor roll student in school? Nopee
What do you want to know about the future? EVERYTHING! I wanna know my job, what I look like, what technology is out, when we discover aliens, when we colonize different planets, how many kids I'll have... Basically a shit ton of stuff lol.
Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Nah :/
Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit? Probably?
Where is your best friend? I don't have one.
How is your best friend? Nonexistent...
Do you have a tan? Nope. I'm pale as a builders arse.
What are you listening to right now? Florence + the Machine - Kiss with a Fist
Do you collect anything? Erm... clothes, perfume, shoes, makeup
Who is the biggest gossiper you know? Me, myself and I. ;)
Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over? Ermm well my ex-stepdad was speeding on my mams birthday and he got pulled over...
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? Yepp lol
What does your last text message say? Sorry, wrong person :P (the guy had said 'Hey :)' lol forever alone... :/)
Do you like hot sauce? Naah
Last time you took a shower? Like 1pm ? :/
Do you need to do laundry? Naah
What is your heritage? I am English and Irish
Are you someone's best friend? Idk, ask my friends ! :0!
Are you rich? Someday I will be!
What were you doing at 12AM last night? Probably sat in my bed watching pointless youtube videos haha :')

New Blog?!

Yes that's right, kids. It's time for yet another unoriginal and typical 'new blog' post to be added into the blogverse! I hope mine will at least somewhat entertain you. Well, my name is Lydia. Crap name, I know. I am a British teen living in Florida which is less fun than it sounds, trust me... I miss primark, topshop, barry m and most of all, 99s. You don't even wanna know how expensive english shit is at British peddlars. Anyway, back on topic... I'm 15. I love everything beauty, fashion and hair, but I won't restrict myself to blogging about just that. I love music, tv, bitching about shit all, youtube (I even have my own channel, although I have about 4 subscribers lol) and will probably blog about my oh-so-boring life at one point...

This is me.

Mind the horrific photo booth quality (I can't find my camera, how bad is that...?) and the atrocious thing in the middle of my face, AKA my nose! Basically, welcome the hell to my blog, bitches.